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How To Care For A Cat At Home

How To Care For A Cat At Home

Cats are graceful, loving and beautiful. You can find a cat in pretty much every city and in many homes. You need to learn to live inside with them. This article will show you how to enjoy your cat every day.

Don’t let your cat get frequently bored. Cats need play and exercise like other pets. A lot of cat owners do not keep their cats busy. Bored cats tend to develop emotional and mental disorders that may negatively impact their health. Provide them with space to exercise and lots of toys to play with. If they’re an indoor cat, get them an object to climb on or a scratching post.

Having a hard time giving your cat a bath? Try this. Take an old window screen and put it in your sink or bathtub. Put your cat in, and he will claw the screen and stay there. Then start washing, but do don’t dilly dally. Use a cup to help you to pour warm water on your cat unless you have a movable shower head.

Are you the owner of both a dog and cat? A dog will probably end up eating the cat’s food if it gets the chance. Therefore, your cat’s food bowl should be placed in a high location that is out of your dog’s reach. Doing this will also help you avoid fights over the water bowl.

Avoid leaving a kitten alone with small children. If the child is younger than 5, don’t leave them alone with a kitten. Small children don’t have the mental capacity to understand that certain activities are dangerous to the kitten. As they grow, you will be able to decide when it is the right time for them to handle a cat or kitten without supervision.

If your cats create messes near the litter box, don’t punish them. When this occurs, it tends to be because the box is not being maintained properly. If you get mad, they’ll never use the box again.

There are a lot of cats that are overweight. An obese cat can end up developing health problems such as arthritis or diabetes. If your cat could stand to lose a pound or two, try cutting back their food a little bit at each feeding. You can also buy some toys and encourage your cat to play and exercise.

You should keep wet cat food in the refrigerator after it has been opened. Bring it to room temperature before serving it to your cat, because it will smell more enticing to them and be less likely to cause an upset stomach. If you like, place it in the microwave for a bit to warm it up.

Don’t bring home a cat with long hair without taking into account the extra care they’ll require. Cats are beautiful with hair that is long and silky. Your clothes, floors and furniture aren’t. Realize the extra effort needed to keep a long-haired cat. Long-haired cats are also more prone to hairballs.

Your kitty’s litter box should be strategically placed. You may want to hide it away. The litter box needs to be placed in a spot that your cat can reach very easily. Cats can be picky, so you should be sure that you put its litter box in a spot that isn’t difficult to access or unpleasant in some other way. If the box is placed on a cold floor, place a mat under it.

If your cat is not getting trained to use the litter box as fast as you would like, there are sprays available that can make things a bit easier. These sprays have a scent that will attract your cat to the box, which means they will be more likely to go there when they need to use the bathroom.

Sometimes it seems as if your cat is sleeping all of his 9 lives away, however, this is perfectly normal. It is not unusual for cats to sleep up to 16 hours per day, and even more. Much of their sleep is light sleep, an instinct that keeps them ready in the event that a predator is nearby. About 25 percent of their sleep is deep sleep, where they dream and conserve energy. Cats love to sleep-a lot!

Never have a declawed cat to spend time outdoors. A clawless cat will have no defense against other animals, and when they’re outside they’ll run risk of death or injury. Cats that are declawed should be indoor cats only. Remove only the front claws. A cat’s back claws are not used when scratching furniture, so those can be left.

Sometimes cats can have problems with arthritis when they get older. This makes it harder for them to get around. You can buy them a heated bed to lay in to help ease the discomfort. It is also a good idea to talk to the vet about any medications that might help out.

Some cat owners swear by the frequent bathing of their cats. However, unless your cat is excessively dirty, there’s usually no need for a bath. Cats groom and clean themselves all throughout the day with their tongues. Cats love to be clean!

If you bring a new pet into your house it can make your cat upset at first. To avoid conflict, keep your new pet separate from the cat. Your cat needs to get used to the smell of the new animal. Once a few days have passed, give your cat some supervised time with your new pet.

Eventually, you’ll get the hang of outsmarting your cat. They will soon figure out what they need to avoid and where they can have a free reign. Though they are very unlike dogs, cats are very loving animals and very rewarding to own.